密歇根新闻广播 虽然争议不断 这位犹太真爱粉依然支持川普(在线收听

She's Jewish. A woman. A millennial. And she supports Donald Trump for president. That's how Lena Epstein introduced herself in her recent opinion piece for the Washington Examiner.

Lena Epstein, Michigan co-chair of the Trump campaign, was one of Donald Trump's earliest supporters.

Epstein is the third-generation owner and general manager of Vesco Oil Corporation in Southfield. She was one of Trump's earliest supporters and is now co-chair for the Trump campaign in Michigan.

"I've been a Trump fan all along," she said. "For me, he's been the only option."

The recent controversy surrounding Trump — he has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 10 women — has not made Epstein's job any easier. But her support has never wavered.

"Would I want him to be my children's Sunday school teacher? Probably not," Epstein said. "Would I want him to be president of the United States? You better believe it."

Listen to the full interview with Epstein above.
