密歇根新闻广播 一群大学生为了了解老龄化搬进退休社区(在线收听


While their friends may have been moving back to dorms or apartments to start the new school year, a group of occupational therapy students from Western Michigan University moved their things into their new rooms at the Clark Retirement Community on Keller Lake.

"I would like to talk to them and learn from them and maybe pass some of my wisdom on to them too," Charlie Lundstrom said of the students, his new roommates.

It's one of the first research projects of its kind in this country: three college students living side by side with senior citizens.

Nancy Hock with the Department of Occupational Therapy at Western Michigan University joined us today to talk about the project.

We also spoke with Charlie Lundstrom, a resident at Clark Retirement Community on Keller Lake, and Western Michigan occupational therapy student Colette Chapp about their first impressions, apprehensions, and goals for the experience.
