万花筒 Kaleidoscope2007-08-07&08-08, 上课治疗阿兹海默症(在线收听


Not that we're stupid in any way .We just can't think as easily as we used to, can't do it.

We're trying to come up with words from the letters in conglomerate. If I need a little extra support, I might walk with a (cane), and if I didn't have time to make my own soup, I might make soup from a (can).

What I like most is that I'm very comfortable there. There is no one that isn't like me, you know, I mean they are all in the same boat, and we all have the same feelings about it.

On the days that she goes there, when she comes home she is much more relaxed. She is happier. You know, as she has her companionship, she has an outfit she is, you know, she loves to be around people, she loves to talk, she loves story, she loves to laugh, so she doesn't have to be on, she doesn't have to worry about she can remember or she can't remember . On the days when she is there, she comes, she always comes home with the happiness on memory games. Certain days they play memory games and to jog their memory, she'll bring those papers home and she will wanna play it with us, because I know she, she wants to relive it again, she wants to bring it home with the stuff that was enjoyable to her there, and she wants to bring that same enjoyment back and share with us.

Change decay doesn't work so well (Loose tooth) loose tooth? And would I have a lot of tooth decay?

That gives her an outlet two days a week, that I know she is happy she is taken care, she's got something to look forward to, she's got a reason to get up, a reason to get dressed .

I wanna hopefully not get to the point where I'm out of it altogether. So I'm fighting, you know, as hard as I could, I don't know if it's gonna work, but I'm gonna try. And I like to do it because it seems, it keeps me not younger, but it keeps me as part of the world still, you know I am not sitting around, worrying about when I'm gonna die or else all like that. And I'm not worried about dying anyway ‘coz I know I'm a good person, I'll go up there with an elevator.
