澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 法国南部发生恐袭 警察自愿交换人质中枪身亡(在线收听

Jason Om with the top stories on ABC News.


A south-east Queensland house fire has claimed the lives of a baby, a toddler and a man, but another young boy was rescued from the burning home. Police say a passing motorist noticed smoke billowing from the house in Kingaroy and used a chair to break a window to pluck one of the children to safety. The boy, who suffered smoke inhalation, was taken to hospital with his mother.


A 13 year old girl has drowned during a family fishing trip off the south coast of New South Wales. She was with her father and four family friends when their boat capsized and the girl became trapped underneath. It's believed no-one was wearing life jackets.


The police officer hailed as a hero in the French supermarket terror attack has died of his injuries. Colonel Arnaud Beltrame offered himself to the attacker in exchange for a female hostage and managed to secretly leave his mobile phone on so that police could hear what was happening. His death brings the toll from the attack to five, including the attacker.


In horse racing, champion mare Winx has claimed a world record in Group One racing after taking out the George Ryder Stakes at Rosehill. It's Winx's 17th Group One victory and her 24th win in a row.

