澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳男子板球队南非比赛作弊被抓现行 美国各地举行示威游行吁控枪(在线收听

Jason Om with the top stories on ABC News.


The Australian Sports Commission has called for cricket captain Steve Smith to be immediately stood down after a ball tampering incident in South Africa. Smith has said the tampering was pre-planned but he is not considering standing down. Cricket Australia CEO James Sutherland has called it a 'sad day' for Australian cricket. News of the ball tampering scandal has travelled around the world, with cricket fans and players reacting angrily, including the Prime Minister who called it a shocking disappointment.


Damage assessments are underway in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Nora, which hit the west coast of Queensland's Cape York Peninsula. The system's weakened further and is now a category one system tracking south. The remote indigenous community of Pormpuraaw was hit just before midnight.


Hundreds of thousands of people in more than 800 centres across the United States have taken part in "March For Our Lives" rallies demanding an end to gun violence. The protests were led by students from the Florida High School where 17 people were killed last month.


And Greater Western Sydney has hammered the Western Bulldogs by 82 points in the AFL with the loss even worse for the bulldogs due to injury. Premiership midfielder Tom Liberatore has a suspected ACL injury after landing awkwardly in the first quarter.

