新奇事件簿 一周工作多少个小时才能改变世界(在线收听

One of the world's most successful business leaders, Elon Musk, has said that people need to work from around 80 to over 100 hours per week to "change the world". Mr Musk knows what he is talking about because he has his finger in many pies. He is the founder, CEO and lead designer of SpaceX; the co-founder and CEO of the car company Tesla; and the co-founder of PayPal. He works very hard on many projects that have changed and could change our lives. He said he is a workaholic but he loves what he does. He talked about working hard in an interview with the technology news website Recode. He said: "There are way easier places to work, but nobody ever changed the world on 40 hours a week."


It is not just Mr Musk who works hard. Workers at his companies also put in very long hours. Musk said "everyone" at Tesla has worked 100 hours per week at times this year. He said this was necessary to make sure the Tesla Model 3 car could survive. He said: "There wasn't some other way to do this." Musk acknowledged that some Tesla employees were unhappy with working so hard. He said some workers called the hours "excessive," while others said they prefer to work 70 or more hours per week. Musk said the "pain level" of working hard increases above 80 hours a week, but he didn't say what the pain was. The average CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company works around 70 hours a week.

不仅仅只是马斯克在埋头苦干。他公司的员工们也是长时间的工作。马斯克说今年特斯拉的“每个人”一周偶尔会工作100个小时。他表示要确保特斯拉Model 3能够存活,就必须这么做。他说:“没有其他的办法。”马斯克承认一些特斯拉的员工对如此卖命地工作表示不满。他说一些员工称工作时间‘过度’,但其他人则表示他们愿意每周工作70小时以上。马斯克表示努力工作的“痛苦等级”一周增加80小时以上,但他没说这个痛苦指的是什么。一家市值几十亿美元的公司的CEO一周工作约70小时。

