万花筒 Kaleidoscope2007-09-22&09-24, FBI 反恐演练(在线收听

This is where it ends. FBI SWAT Teams converge on an elementary school 28 hours after the crisis begins. Students flee. It's a scenario the FBI doesn't usually let cameras in to see.

This is the single most ambitious field training exercise any FBI field officer has ever undertaken.

(……what appears to be, um, yeah, a body.)

The training exercise starts here with a plastic dummy wearing military fatigues shot through the head. Short distance away, acting on a tip, FBI divers make their own discovery. This scenario may be pretend, but what happens here has been taken from real cases. The pressure on for investigators to solve the crime before anyone else dies.

(I found a body in the vehicle)

Near the car, pulled from the lake, divers also found a backpack and inside this tool which represents a weapon and printouts from an international skinhead group out of Canada. They also found a receipt for a storage company. And it's this receipt that links the murder here to the murder back at the ravine. Coz investigators there found a business card for the very same storage company in the pocket of the dead man.

What does that suggest? That suggests we are dealing with some dangerous people.

Dangerous people in this exercise who turn out to be domestic terrorists. They go to retrieve a bomb (that) hidden in a storage unit. We are not allowed to show you the FBI surveillance techniques.

The agents now have a beat on a possible suspect. It is critical to get the snipers and the assault teams into position.

The snipers dressed in gillie suits vanish around the house in the woods. Hostages inside. The mock terrorists demand to speak with an FBI boss. Tensions run high.

(I want the big boss out here!)

The negotiation has been going on for more than six hours. One woman and two children have been released in exchange for food, cigarettes and insulin. But negotiations are about to break down.

One of the hostages in this drill is killed. But agents uncover the ultimate plot. The mock terror group plants bombs in a school. Time is running out.

As soon as something happens at a school, it changes everything. Because you are not gonna sit and do a risk assessment, you're gonna go in and you're gonna stop harm being done to children.

It's now or never. This time, it's a game, one that ends well.

The ultimate objective is for us to prevent the next terrorist attack in the United States, and for all of us to go home safely at the end of the day.

From mistakes, lesson's learned, and in future these agents hope lives're saved.
Deborah Feyerick CNN West Point, New York.
