万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-10-26&10-27, 不准浇灌草坪(在线收听


Put... pesticides(农药) on your yard alone.

Michael Griggs is on patrol(巡逻)l. He is on the lookout for green grass, a sign that people are watering their lawns.
It's like this yard right here, really really green
He is also checking water meters
There should be no use on your irrigation meters.
Douglas County in suburban Atlanta is under a total outdoor watering ban. It's Griggs' job to find violators(违规者) and take action immediately, shutting their water off. So far nearly 20 households have had their water turned off.
If property owners want the water back on in the morning, Ah, it's 1000$. If not, If they want to wait till we are able to schedule for the turn-on then they will only have to pay the trip charge which is 25$.

Future violations only get more expensive. A second violation is at least 350$, and a third is 1000$. Peter Frost, the executive director of the local water and sewer( 下水道)authority says, these drastic (大刀阔斧)steps are necessary.

We are trying to stop the reservoir (水库)from getting into a critical condition.

This is the county's reservoir or what's left of it. And like most in the southeast US, it's drying up. Because of the low level the water district is now piping in 60% of its water from a neighboring county. But that water supply is also nearly gone. For now authorities are making plans and doing what they can to keep the water they have from going down the drain(流失).
It is really pretty when it's on . But no need to be on right now

T.J Holmes, CNN, Atlanta.
