英语新闻听写 千禧一代更喜种养植物(在线收听


According to Business Insider, "Millennials are buying more plants than ever.

据“Business Insider”报道,“千禧一代购买的植物比以往任何时候都要多。

Many are waiting longer to buy homes and are living in smaller, urban spaces for longer, which drives an interest in raising plants."


A new direct-to-consumer plant seller called 'The Sill' is becoming popular because of this trend.

因为这一趋势,一家名叫“The Sill”的直接向消费者销售的新兴植物销售商变得流行起来。

'The Sill' has made plant purchasing tech-friendly.

“The Sill”让植物购买更智能化。

They advise customers on which types of plants would be most suitable for their lifestyle and will deliver it to their apartments.


The company has successfully fundraised a total of 7.5 million to keep up their services.

