英语新闻听写 特斯拉汽车网站和app齐出故障(在线收听


According to Business Insider, the website for Tesla Motors was down Monday morning.

据“Business Insider”报道,周一早晨,特斯拉汽车的网站无法访问。

The outage was reported by many users on Twitter, as well as confirmed by a variety of third parties, including isitdownrightnow.com as well as Business Insider staffers.

许多用户在推特上报道了这一故障,而且得到了包括“isitdownrightnow.com”和“Business Insider”雇员在内的多个第三方的证实。

In addition to the company's server being down, some users also reported that the company's app was also not working.


There was no immediate response from Tesla regarding the outage.

