音乐咖啡厅:if you rescue me淡淡的爱意(在线收听


If you rescue me

---Geal Gacia Bernal&Sacha Bour

If you rescue me,
I'll be your friend forever,
Let me in your bed,
I'll keep you warm in winter,
All the kiddies are playing
and they're having such fun,
I wish that could happen to me,
But if you rescue me,
I'll never have to be alone again.
Oh the cars drive so fast
and the people are mean,
and sometimes it's hard to find food,
let me into your room,
I'll keep you warm and amused,
all the things we can do in the rain
If you rescue me,
I'll be your friend forever,
Let me in your bed,
I'll keep you warm in winter,
Oh someday I know
someone will look into my eyes
and say, "Hello, you're my very special kitten",
So if you rescue me,
I'll never have to be alone again,
I'll never have to be alone again,
I'll never have to be alone again.

《if you rescue me》是2006年法国出品的一部电影《The Science of Sleep》中的一首插曲,是对《after hours》的翻唱。演唱者是Geal Gacia Bernal和Sacha Bour。

"N&L~'X/v.J6I%Gf0Geal Gacia Bernal是墨西哥裔电影演员,因为《爱情是狗娘》、《摩托日记》、《毁灭性教育》等片迅速窜红,在这部由《暖暖内含光》的导演Michel Gondry执导的迷幻色彩的喜剧新片《The Science of Sleep》里出演一个从墨西哥来到巴黎的年轻人Stéphane,偶然结识了一个叫Stéphanie的女子,此后发生了一系列故事。
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  他和Sacha Bour(遗憾查不到这个名字的资料)合唱了《if you rescue me》。不仅曲调、配器、风格几乎与The Velvet Underground的原版本完全相似,就是俩人的演唱风格也沿袭了Mureen Tucker,同样的青涩,同样的洋溢着快乐与期盼。只是,他们俩人的对唱,让这首歌更加温馨,多了一层淡淡的爱意。

