纽约时报 特朗普对联合国气候警告视而不见(3)(在线收听

On Saturday, an American delegation in South Korea joined more than 180 countries in accepting the report’s summary for policymakers,


but a statement from the State Department added that it “does not imply endorsement by the United States of the specific findings or underlying contents of the report.”


The report “is quite a shock, and quite concerning,”said Bill Hare,


an author of previous Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports and a physicist with Climate Analytics, a nonprofit organization.


“We were not aware of this just a few years ago.”


The authors found that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at the current rate,


the atmosphere will warm by as much as 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, or 1.5 degrees Celsius, above preindustrial levels by 2040.


The Paris accord set a goal of preventing warming of more than 3.6 degrees above preindustrial levels —


long considered a threshold for the most severe social and economic damage from climate change.


But the heads of small island nations, fearful of rising sea levels, had also asked scientists to examine the effects of 2.7 degrees of warming.


Without aggressive action, many effects that scientists once expected to happen further in the future will arrive by 2040, and at the lower temperature, the report shows.


“It’s telling us we need to reverse emissions trends and turn the world economy on a dime,” said Myles Allen, an Oxford University climate scientist and an author of the report.


To prevent 2.7 degrees of warming, the report said,


greenhouse emissions must be reduced by 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030, and by 100 percent by 2050.


It also found that use of coal as an electricity source would have to drop from nearly 40 percent today to 1 to 7 percent by 2050.


“This report makes it clear: There is no way to mitigate climate change without getting rid of coal,”


said Drew Shindell, a climate scientist at Duke University and an author of the report.


Mr. Trump has vowed to increase the burning of coal.


“It makes me feel angry when I think about the U.S. government,” Mr. Shindell said. “My kids feel like it’s their future being destroyed.”

“一想到美国政府我就好气,”辛德尔先生说。 “我的孩子觉得被毁的是他们的未来。”

He watched as the grounds of his son’s high school in Durham, N.C., and the roads around it flooded last month after Hurricane Florence.

