纽约时报 可怕的控告指向沙特王子 “沙漠达沃斯”因此蒙尘(4)(在线收听

The Saudis recruited Richard Attias, a well-known conference organizer, who co-founded the Clinton Global Initiative and updated the look of Davos in the 1990s.


Mr. Attias, a Moroccan, has also worked for media organizations like Bloomberg — organizing its forthcoming conference in Singapore — as well as The Times.


Saudi Arabia used its financial muscle without apology.


Among its biggest lures was the windfall from an initial public offering of the Saudi state oil company, Saudi Aramco, which was expected to be worth more than $100 billion.


Mr. Trump, in particular, was eager to see Aramco listed in the United States.


(In August, the Saudi government delayed the deal, though Crown Prince Mohammed insists it could still happen in 2021.)


Goldman Sachs, which lacked the inroads into Saudi Arabia that other banks had, sent its co-president, Harvey M. Schwartz, along with the head of its Middle East and North Africa business.

高盛,没有像其他银行那样进入沙特,派出了联合总裁哈维·M. 施瓦茨及其中东和北非地区的业务负责人。

Endeavor, the Beverly Hills holding company for entertainment agencies, sent its co-chief executive, Ariel Emanuel, to help push along negotiations for a Saudi investment.


Unlike Davos, the conference in Switzerland that draws a roster of the world’s wealthy and prominent, the Saudi event has struggled to attract heads of state.


This year, the organizers hoped to lure President Emmanuel Macron of France and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan; neither was available.


Last year, Tony Blair, the former prime minister of Britain, and Nicolas Sarkozy, the former president of France, attended.


The Ritz-Carlton, originally built as a palace for guests of the royal family and foreign dignitaries, is a fitting venue.


Visitors walk on a red carpet into a vast, cathedral-like lobby, with frescoed ceilings and glittering chandeliers.

