澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚出现大麻屋 世界杯东道主俄罗斯点杀西班牙进八强(在线收听

The top stories on ABC News.


Suburban homes are being used to grow the majority of cannabis bought and sold in Australia. These so-called 'grow houses' can make profits of around two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in their first three months. Police say that Vietnamese crime syndicates are the biggest players.


Police are investigating a horrific crash on Brisbane's southside Moorooka that has claimed three lives. About eight o'clock last night, a car travelling on Ipswich road careered into oncoming traffic, crashing into two other vehicles. The 18-year-old driver of the first car and two occupants of one of the cars were killed. Five people in a third car escaped with minor injuries.


Childcare providers that hike fees for parents could be named and shamed by the federal government. Major changes to childcare subsidies are now in effect, with the commonwealth covering up to 85 per cent of childcare costs. The overhaul will benefit an estimated one million families and about 300,000 households will be worse off. The education minister, Simon Birmingham has confirmed prices will be monitored closely.


And soccer's World Cup host Russia has caused a major upset by eliminating the 2010 champion Spain. Spain took the lead from a Russian own goal in the 11th-minute but Russia equalised just before half-time from a penalty awarded for a Gerard Pique handball. There were no further goals and Russia won the subsequent penalty shoot-out four-three thanks to two saves by goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev.

