澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 意大利热那亚高架桥大雨中坍塌 英国男子驾车冲撞议会大厦(在线收听

A huge rescue effort is underway in the Italian city of Genoa after a major motorway bridge collapsed. Italian prime minister says at least 26 people are dead and 15 injured, but is warning the final death toll may rise even further. The structure splintered and plunged nearly 50 metres to the ground over an industrial zone during an intense storm.


London anti-terrorism police squad is questioning a man held after a car crashed outside the UK parliament, injuring cyclists and pedestrians. Police believe the 29-year-old suspect, who's a British citizen, is from the Birmingham area. Officers have raided three properties in the English midlands. Two people who were treated in hospital for their injuries and they have now been discharged.


Crossbench senator Fraser Anning has been widely condemned for an inflammatory speech, advocating a return to the White Australia policy. During his first speech to parliament, the Queensland senator called for an end to Muslim immigration, and for a national vote on 'who comes here', in his words. But it was his reference to a 'final solution' — a term associated with Nazi Germany and holocaust — that's caused the most anger.

