夏说英语新闻晨读 第622期:巴菲特准备在英国投资(在线收听

Warren Buffett has said he's ready to invest in Britain. Even for the legendary investor, that could be a tough bet. Buffett's record in the United Kingdom is spotty. He's referred to his investment in supermarket chain Tesco as a "big mistake." And an attempt by Berkshire Hathaway-backed Kraft Heinz to buy Unilever in 2017 collapsed after the consumer goods giant said it wasn't interested. Still, Buffett has made clear that he's eager to plow some of Berkshire's cash into a huge deal, and that Britain remains on the table.

be ready to do sth.: 准备好……

be well-prepared to do sth.

invest: vi. 投资

investment: n. 投资

investor: n. 投资人

legendary: adj. 传奇的

legend: n. 传奇

a legendary figure: 一个传奇性的人物


bet: n. 选择,决定;赌注 v. 打赌

bet on the banker: 压庄

bet on the player: 压闲

You bet. 你说的对。

spotty: adj. 不稳定的

spot: n. 点

spotlight: n. 聚光灯

refer to sth: 谈到;提及

collapse: vi. 失败

make sth. clear / make clear that: 明确表示……

be eager to do sth.: 热切做某事

plow cashin: 投资

plow: vt./n. 犁

on the table: 在考虑范围;可供讨论
