夏说英语新闻晨读 第627期:迪士尼公司收购在线流媒体Hulu(在线收听


Disney's takeover of Hulu is just about complete. Comcast on Tuesday agreed to sell its ownership stake in the streaming video service to Disney. The sale won't happen for at least another five years, but Disney will take full operational control of Hulu right now. The deal is a sign of how much streaming video has changed in the last few years. Hulu was at one time a joint venture between several media titans: Disney, 21st Century Fox, Comcast's NBCUniversal and Time Warner (now WarnerMedia).

takeover: n. 收购;验收

ownership: n. 所有权

stake: n. 赌注;权益

ownership stake: 所有权权益

operational: adj. 操作的;运作的

operational control: 运营管控;经营控制

joint venture: 合资企业

titan: n. 巨头;巨人
