夏说英语新闻晨读 第628期:华为此渡"安卓劫"(在线收听



The restrictions being placed on Huawei's access to the Android operating system will cast a long shadow over Tuesday's launch of the Chinese company's latest handsets. The firm has invited press from across the globe to London to witness the unveiling of its Honor 20 Series smartphones. The B*C understands the devices will still offer the full Android experience — including use of Google's own app store. But unless a clash with the US government is resolved, future launches are set to deliver a much more limited experience — assuming Huawei decides to run them off Android at all.

restriction: n. 限制

ban: n. 禁令

prohibition: n. 禁止;禁令

access to: 接入

cast a shadow: 蒙上阴影

launch: n. 发布;投放市场

handset: n. 手机

press: n. 平面媒体;出版社 v. 压

press conference: 媒体发布会;记者招待会

unveiling: n. 发布

series: n. 系列

serious: adj. 严肃的,严重的

clash: n. 冲突

resolve: vt. 解决

assume: vi. 假设
