夏说英语新闻晨读 第630期:超百万人请愿重拍《权游》(在线收听


The final episode of GOT has been broadcast, drawing to a close one of the most successful series in television history. But the season eight finale has received a mixed reaction from fans and critics. More than a million viewers signed a petition to have the eighth season remade with more "competent writers". And, if the early reactions to the finale are anything to go by, the critics aren't far behind them.

episode: n. 集

throne: n. 皇权;王位

finale: n. 终章

critic: n. 批评家

petition: n. 请愿

competent: adj. 有能力的

capable: adj. 能干的

anything to go by: 作为一定的参考标准
