夏说英语新闻晨读 第632期:埃菲尔铁塔被关停(在线收听

The Eiffel Tower has been closed after a man was seen climbing up its side. The company that operates the Parisian landmark confirmed that someone was scaling the building, and that it had been evacuated as a result. An official told AFP news agency that they were following "standard procedure", while police and specialist firefighters rushed to the scene. "A climber has been spotted," they said. "We have to stop the person, and in that case we evacuate the tower."

landmark:: n. 地标性建筑

confirm:: vt. 确认;证实

scale: vt. 攀登;爬上

evacuate: vt. 疏散,撤退

procedure: n. 程序,手续

spot: vt. 发现;认出
