夏说英语新闻晨读 第633期:脸书股东逼宫 小扎何去何从(在线收听


A vote calling for Mark Zuckerberg to stand down as Facebook's chairman is expected to take place at the company's annual general meeting on Thursday. Mr Zuckerberg is both Facebook's chief executive and the chairman of its board of directors. Those calling for him to step down as chairman say this would help him focus on running the company.

call for: 要求

request: vt. 要求

ask: vt. 要求

stand down: 退位

abdicate: vi. 退位

be expected to do sth.: 将……

take place: 举行;发生

annual: adj. 一年一度的

general meeting: 股东大会

chief executive (officer): 首席执行官(CEO)

executive room: 行政客房;商务间

business class: 商务舱;公务舱

executive class: 商务舱;公务舱

board of directors: 董事会
