夏说英语新闻晨读 第636期:无疟疾国家再添新成员(在线收听


On May 22nd the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Algeria and Argentina malaria-free, bringing to 38 the number of countries now officially rid of the disease. Algeria will be regarded as a particular success because it is in Africa. The continent suffered 90% of an estimated 219m cases worldwide in 2017.

malaria-free: 无疟疾的

n.-free: 无……的

a stress-free job: 没有压力的工作

lead-free fuel: 无铅汽油

a smoke-free restaurant: 无烟餐厅

bring to: 使得;导致(表示带来的一种结果)

Bring the water to the boil.


Her tragic stories brought tears to my eyes.


rid of: 免于……

be rid of sth./sb.表示摆脱掉……;免去…….的负担

regard: v. 把……看作

be regarded as: 被视为……

suffer: vt. 遭受;忍受
