夏说英语新闻晨读 第644期:亚马逊涉嫌擅自收集用户信息(在线收听


Amazon is being sued over its smart assistant's recordings of children. Two US cases allege the firm lacks consent to create voiceprints that could let it keep track of a youngster's use of Alexa-enabled devices and thus build up a "vast level of detail about the child's life". Amazon has said it only stores data once a device-owner has given it permission to do so.

sue: vi. 控告;提起诉讼

consent: n. 同意;一致(permission)

verbal/written consent: 口头/书面同意

He gave his verbal consent to have the interview taped.


voiceprint: n. 声纹

print 作为后缀

footprint: 足迹

fingerprint: 指纹

keep track of: 注意到(pay attention to)

Nobody could keep track of all the winners.


Sorry, I just lost all track of time.


build up: 积累;逐渐增加(increase gradually)
