时代周刊 伊拉克战后重建会成功吗(4)(在线收听

Despite that, al-Abadi has managed to make only a tiny dent in the dizzying graft during his time in office.


He describes the anticorruption fight—his main election promise—as somewhat overwhelming.

他称他的反腐败斗争 - 这也是他主要的选举承诺 - 是具有压倒性的气势的。

"People are calling on me to put corrupt people into prison,” he says. "Where do you start?”


Perhaps, some would reply, with the biggest culprits.


Yet that could include powerful figures and leave al-Abadi himself politically vulnerable.


"No one really important ever goes to jail,” says Kirk Sowell, head of a Middle East– focused risk consultancy.


"If (Abadi) cracked down hard, there would be blood in the water."


Yet on the streets of Baghdad, patience is wearing thin.


Many Iraqis are too young to remember life under the hated dictator Saddam—

许多伊拉克人都太年轻,不知道备受憎恨的独裁者萨达姆统治下的生活是什么模样 -

about 40% of Iraq’s 37 million people were not even born when the U.S. invaded in 2003, according to U.N. statistics.


Young Iraqis do not necessarily see themselves as having been liberated; they simply want a good government and decent prospects.


"I want to get out of Iraq because I see no good future here,” says Mustafa Jassim, 25, a qualified fine-arts teacher working as a juicer in a downtown Baghdad market.


Al-Abadi says he sees job creation as urgent.


One obvious way to employ large numbers of Iraqis is to begin repairing the war damage.


In February, representatives from dozens of countries and hundreds of companies gathered in Kuwait for a conference on reconstructing Iraq after years of battle,


which devastated large parts of Mosul and shattered infrastructure elsewhere.


Done successfully, it could be a "peace dividend,” says U.S. Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman, speaking from the Green Zone.


"Abadi is focusing not on rich donors but on reshaping the economy,” he says.

“阿巴迪注重的并非富裕的捐助者,而是重塑整个伊拉克经济。” 他说。

"He is trying to give people hope that tomorrow will be better than yesterday was."


Two weeks earlier, al-Abadi had told me it would cost about $90 billion to rebuild the country—


a job he believes is key to halting another onslaught.


In late January, he invited TIME to sit in on a closed-door meeting in the old palace,


with ambassadors from the U.S. , Britain, Japan, the U.N. and others, to discuss the upcoming Kuwait conference.


He warned the diplomats that rebuilding Iraq quickly and effectively was crucial


not only for people’s daily lives, but also in order to stave off further terrorist threats.


"It is a huge task,” he told them.

