《新福尔摩斯》精讲 65(在线收听

The car was hired yesterday morning by an Ian Monkford. Banker of some kind.

昨天上午有个叫伊安·蒙福德的人租走了这车 他是个银行家

City boy. Paid in cash.Told his wife he was going away on a business trip and he never arrived.

金融人士 付的现金 他妻子说他去出差 却一直没抵达目的地

You're still hanging round him.


Yeah, well...


Opposites attract, I s'pose.


We're not...


You should get yourself a hobby.Stamps, maybe. Model trains. Safer.

你该培养点爱好 集邮啊 拼模型啊 比这安全多了

Before you ask, yes, it's Monkford's blood. DNA checks out.

不用问了 对 是蒙福德的血 DNA已经证实了

No body.


Not yet.


Get a sample sent to the lab.Mrs Monkford...

把血样送到实验室去 蒙福德太太

Yes. Sorry, but I've already spoken with two policemen.

是我 抱歉 我已经跟两位警官叙述过了

We're not from the police, we're...Sherlock Holmes. Very old friend of your husband's.

我们不是警察 我们是...夏洛克·福尔摩斯 你丈夫的旧友

We, um...We grew up together.


I'm sorry. Who?I don't think he ever mentioned you.

抱歉 您是哪位 他从没提起过你

Oh, he must have done. This is...This is horrible. I mean, I just can't believe it.

他肯定提过 这简直...太恐怖了 我实在无法相信

I only saw him the other day.Same old Ian. Not a care in the world.

我几天前才见过他 他还是老样子 一脸的玩世不恭

Sorry... My husband has been depressed for months. Who are you?

抱歉 我丈夫近几个月一直很消沉 你到底是谁啊

Really strange that he hired a car.Why would he do that? It's a bit suspicious, isn't it?

真奇怪 他怎么会租车呢 太奇怪了 很可疑 不是吗

No, it isn't. He forgot to renew the tax on the car, that's all.

没什么奇怪的 他忘了交车税了 仅此而已

Ah, well! That was Ian.That was Ian all over.

哈 果然是伊安 伊安生前就是这样

No, it wasn't.


Wasn't it? Interesting.

生前不是吗 有意思

Who was I talking to?


Why did you lie to her?


People don't like telling you things.They love to contradict you.Past tense, did you notice?

人们不会轻易向你透漏些什么 但他们会对你的错误提出反驳 发现了吗 她用了过去式

Sorry, what?


I referred to her husband in the past tense. She joined in. Bit premature.They've only just found the car.

我用"生前"形容他丈夫 她没反驳 现在就说"生前"太早了吧 目前只发现了他的车而已

You think she murdered her husband.


Definitely not. That's not a mistake a murderer would make.


I see...No, I don't. What am I seeing?

明白了 不对 没明白 到底啥意思

Fishing.Try fishing.

或者钓鱼 试试钓鱼吧

Where now?


Janus Cars.Just found this in the glove compartment.

杰纳斯租车行 在车上的储物箱里找到的
