时代周刊 德勤CEO凯茜·恩格波特 四大的首位女性CEO(2)(在线收听

At a time when fewer than one in 10 companies on the Fortune 500 has a female CEO,


Engelbert exercises a particular brand of soft power, given that she runs the company that helps run 400 of those 500 businesses.


(KPMG, another of the Big Four, also has a female CEO.)


More than 60% of her employees are millennials, the majority of whom, having been trained by Deloitte, will leave to work elsewhere.


She is responsible for forming tomorrow’s corporate leaders in an era when traditional models of political leadership are in flux—


when, as she says, "we’re walking on business eggshells,


because every morning you wake up and you kind of cringe when you go to look at your breaking news."


Engelbert is also at the helm at a tricky time for financial-services firms.


While they are known for audit and tax services,


most of the growth in recent years has been in management consulting, the much sexier and more lucrative end of the business.


(Deloitte advises Meredith Corporation, the owner of this magazine.)


Instead of parachuting in to solve a particular problem,


consultants now need to be able to effect a corporate metamorphosis for a whole new environment,


one constantly being remade by digital technology.


"Companies used to buy point solutions from us," says Engelbert. "Now they want to buy end-to-end transformation."

“过去企业从我们这里购买的往往是单点解决方案,”恩格波特说。 “现在他们想买的则是终端对终端的转型服务。”

Deloitte hires 18,000 people in the U.S. every year.


It has to predict who will be useful to businesses in the future.


"Now 65% of IT spending is in the cloud," says Engelbert by way of example.


That requires hiring different people than we hired before. We need more data scientists.


But it’s not just expertise that she has to build; it’s culture.


"Every day I wake up and say there are 88,000 people going out to clients today," says Engelbert.


"You have to build the right culture into them."


These issues are not Deloitte-specific.


She believes the concepts of an employee and a workplace are changing rapidly.


"Jobs are being disconnected from work," she says.


"Work has a whole new definition.


There’s the gig economy, the open talent network. So how do you build culture when you can’t build it in your four walls?"

