澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 英国议会支持延迟脱欧 美参议院叫停国家紧急状态(在线收听

The top stories today.


British MPs have voted overwhelmingly to delay the UK's exit from the EU. They've approved to request a short extension if a Brexit deal can be agreed in the next five days, or a longer delay if that's unsuccessful. European Union leaders will meet next Thursday — all 27 nations will need to sign off on any delay to the Brexit process.

英国议员以压倒性的投票优势支持推迟英国脱离欧盟的时间。他们已经批准,如果英国脱欧协议能在未来五天获得同意,可以请求短期延迟;如果五天内未能获得同意,将请求更长时间的延迟。欧盟领袖将于下周四举行会谈,所有27个欧盟成员国都必须签字同意延迟英国 脱欧的进程。

The US senate has rejected president Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency at the border. The ruling is seen as an embarrassing rebuke of the decision to divert funding to build the controversial wall. Mr Trump has signalled that he plans to veto what he describes as a Democrat inspired resolution.


A man has been arrested over a deadly axe attack in Sydney's west. Emergency services were called to Cabramatta West just before nine o'clock last night, after reports of a road crash and two men fighting each other. Police will allege a 75-year-old man ran over a 59-year-old man who was known to him and attacked him with an axe. The 59-year-old died at the scene.


And thousands of students are preparing to walk out of school across the country to demand action on climate change. At least 50 rallies are planned as part of a global movement founded by a 16-year-old Swedish activist. The planned protests have been criticised by politicians because they're taking place during school hours.

