《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第4集02:双方势均力敌(在线收听

Hello?Jeremy?Hello?This is Logan Fell coming to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls

有人吗 杰里米 有人吗 罗根·费尔从神秘瀑布镇为您发回的现场播报

With breaking news of another deadly animal attack.


The wild animal terrorizing the citizens of Mystic Falls


Has claimed another victim,Local high school student Elena Gilbert.

再度酿造惨剧 死者为当地高中学生埃琳娜· 吉尔伯特

Police are certain that forensic eviden will confirm


That this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks.


You know it's coming next.Bad dream?Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now?

你知道你就是下一个 做噩梦了吗 你知道刚才进入你脑中有多容易吗

You really need some human blood.


It might even the playing field.


Football reference.Too soon.All right, I deserved that.

我是说橄榄球 太快了 好吧 我活该

But I just wanted to let you know,They caught the culprit.

但我只是想让你知道 他们抓到罪犯了

The animal responsible for killing Coach Tanner and all those people.

害死泰纳教练 和其他人的那只动物

What are you talking about?It was a mountain lion. Really big one.

你在说什么 是很大的一只美洲狮

It attacked a hunter this morning.


It's all over the news."Deadly beast captured.

新闻上到处都在播报 致命野兽被捕

All's well in Mystic Falls."Why would you cover your tracks?

神秘瀑布镇回复平静 你为什么要掩饰自己的行踪
