英国新闻听力 前苏联唯一一名非共产党太空人去世(在线收听

The police in Northern Ireland say they are concerned about the escalation in attacks by dissident Republicans. A huge car bomb was left outside the headquarters of the Policing Board in Belfast on Saturday night. It caught fire but didn't explode. In a separate incident, four people were arrested after shots were fired at police. An independent commission recently warned that the paramilitary threat in Northern Ireland was at its highest level in six years. The chairman of the Policing Board, Barry Gilligan, said it wouldn't be deterred from its work.

“This attack last night was an attack upon the entire community. Because not only the 19 members of the Policing Board who work in that building, but also the staff who work in that building. They're working on behalf of the community. That's the first message. The second message is, we won't be deterred from doing on.”

A leading Iranian reformist and former vice president has been sentenced to six years in prison for organizing mass protests after the disputed presidential election in June. Mohammad Ali Abtahi is the most senior opposition leader to be sentenced so far. Jim Muir reports.

Mr. Abtahi was one of the most familiar figures during the two terms in office of the reformist president, Mohammad Khatami, who won a landslide victory in 1997. A genial figure with a modernist turn of mind, he ran his own blog and website. After Mr. Khatami's withdrawal from the election race this June, Mr. Abtahi campaigned on behalf of one of the other opposition challengers, the former Speaker of Parliament Mehdi Karroubi. He was one of the first to be arrested after the disturbances broke out when it was announced that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had won reelection with a surprisingly large majority.

Iran has begun five days of large-scale air defense exercises to test its ability to protect its nuclear facilities from possible attack. A Revolutionary Guard commander said the exercises would show that Iran could annihilate Israeli planes if they are attacked. Israel hasn't ruled out military action to stop Iran obtaining nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is strictly for peaceful purposes.

Scientists documenting marine life in the deepest parts of the oceans say they have identified more than 17,000 species. Staff working for the Census of Marine Life said the diversity of life in the deep sea was much greater than previously believed. Madeleine Morris reports.

Over 17,500 creatures have now been cataloged inhabiting the dark waters below depth of 200 meters where natural life barely penetrates, the majority of them never before seen. As deep as five kilometers below the surface at pressures that would crush unprotected human, scientists found mud teeming with crabs, starfish and corals. Amongst the more unusual finds were two-meter-long cirrate octopod, an eight-limbed creature nicknamed "Dumbo" because of the large elephant ear-like fins it uses to swim. Scientists also saw a jelly fish as long as a blue whale.

The only cosmonaut in the Soviet space program who wasn't a member of the Communist Party, Konstantin Feoktistov, has died at the age of 83. Feoktistov was a crew member on the Voskhod spacecraft in 1964, the first mission where the crew traveled without space suits. He went on to help develop the Salyuts and Progress craft and the Mir space station.

Exit polls from Romania's presidential election suggest that President Traian Basescu is narrowly ahead of his Social Democrat challenger, Mircea Geoana. Nick Thorpe reports from Bucharest.

Exit polls released within seconds of the end of voting gave President Traian Basescu 32.8%, Mircea Geoana 31.7% and Crin Antonescu 21.8%. If these figures are confirmed by the official count, Mr. Basescu and Mr. Geoana will now face each other in the runoff on the 6th of December. Parallel to the presidential vote, a referendum to reduce the size of parliament, also looks set to succeed. A tough fight can now be expected between the two main candidates for the three million votes which went to other candidates today.”

The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has arrived in the United States for talks that will cover Afghansitan, climate change and cooperation on nuclear energy. Before he left for Washington, Mr. Singh said it would be a catastrophe for much of Asia if the Taliban were victorious in Afghanistan.

Nigeria's anti-corruption agency has arrested a young man suspected of making tens of thousands of dollars in an Internet fraud and then donating most of the money to his church. Okoro Osagie allegedly conned several Germans and Americans out almost 100,000 dollars by posing as an expatriate entrepreneur in Nigeria seeking a business loan. But investigators say he gave more than 80% of the proceeds to a church in Lagos as tithes and offerings.



伊朗一名改革派领袖,前副总统因6月份有争议的总统选举之后组织大规模的抗议活动而被判处6年监禁。Mohammad Ali Abtahi是目前为止被判刑的级别最高的反对派官员。Jim Muir报道。



记载海洋最深处的海洋生物的科学家称,他们已经发现了17,000多个物种。海洋生物统计局的工作人员称,深海生物的多样性远远高于此前估计。Madeleine Morris报道。


苏联太空项目中唯一一名非共产党太空人费奥蒂斯托夫(Konstantin Feoktistov)去世,享年83岁。费奥蒂斯托夫是1964年“日出号”宇宙飞船的成员,这是宇航员们不穿太空服所进行的第一项太空任务。随后,他帮助研发了礼炮号和和平号空间站。

罗马尼亚总统选举出口处民意调查显示,现任总统特拉扬·伯塞斯库(Traian Basescu)以较小优势领先于其社会民主党对手吉欧阿纳(Mircea Geoana)。Nick Thorpe在布加勒斯特报道。



尼日利亚反腐机构逮捕了一名男子。此人涉嫌在网络诈骗中获取垄断数十万美元随后将大部分赃款捐献给他所在的教堂。Okoro Osagie假装自己是在尼日利亚寻找商业贷款的境外企业家,先后欺骗了几名德国人和美国人高达100,000美元的资金。但是调查人员称,他将超过80%的资金捐赠给拉格斯一家教堂,作为教区税和献礼。
