英国新闻听力 德国新任劳工部长辞职(在线收听

The American golf star Tiger Woods has been released from hospital after receiving treatment for injuries sustained in a car crash outside his home in Florida. Paul Adams reports.

The Florida Highway Patrol says Tiger Woods was injured as he pulled out of his driveway in the early hours of the morning. The authorities said his Cadillac hit a fire hydrant and a tree as he left his home in Windermere, an exclusive suburb of Orlando. Early reports suggested he might have been seriously injured but a local hospital now says he was treated for minor injuries and released. His agent Mark Steinberg has told the American TV network CNBC that his client is fine. The Highway Patrol is investigating but says alcohol was not involved.

The United Nations nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, has voted to censure Iran for developing a uranium enrichment site in secret. Unusually, both Russia and China backed the resolution. The US said the international community was running out of patience with Iran. Jon Leyne reports.

This is a strong sign of Iran’s growing international isolation. It was the first resolution against Iran passed by the IAEA since 2006. More significantly, China and Russia both voted in favor. This heavily critical resolution focused on a recently revealed nuclear plant close to Qom which the West believes could be part of a secret bomb program. But Iran’s refusal to answer questions on alleged bomb studies also infuriated the IAEA. As has Iran’s hesitation over whether to accept a deal on new fuel for a research reactor in Tehran.

Britain’s ambassador to the United Nations during the run up to the Iraq War has questioned the legitimacy of the American-led invasion in 2003. Speaking on the 4th day of a public inquiry in London, Jeremy Greenstock said he thought there were not many countries that thought Iraq was telling the truth about weapons of mass destruction, but he said that did not translate into much support for tough action against Saddam Hussein, which in the end cast out, according to Sir Jeremy, on the military action taken.

I regarded our invasion of Iraq as legal but of questionable legitimacy in that it didn’t have the democratically observable backing of a great majority of member states or even perhaps of a majority of people inside the United Kingdom.

Sir Jeremy also said the UN weapons inspectors should’ve been given more time to carry out their work, but by then American pressure to invade proved irresistible.

The British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has proposed richer nations set up a ten-billion-dollar fund to provide incentives for the developing world to cut greenhouse gas emissions. He was speaking in Trinidad, where leaders from the Commonwealth group of nations are meeting. At the opening ceremony, the head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth, said the organization had the opportunity to lead once more.

Germany’s Labor Minister Franz Josef Jung has resigned over his handling of an air strike in Afghanistan in September which is believed to have killed around 30 civilians. Mr. Jung was Defense Minister at the time and for days insisted no civilians have been killed. Pressure increased on Mr. Jung after Germany’s top general and the senior Defense Ministry official quit on Thursday. The German army has been heavily criticized for calling in a US air strike on the Taliban when many civilians were nearby.

The Polish President Lech Kaczynski has signed into law the compulsory chemical castration of some sex offenders. The practice has been tried in other countries but usually on a voluntary basis. From Warsaw, Adam Eastern reports.

According to its politicians, Poland now has the severest legislation towards paedophiles in Europe.

Under the law, adults convicted of raping a child under the age of 15 or committing incest will be forced, upon release, to take drugs to reduce their libido, a practice commonly referred to as chemical castration. The Polish law was drafted following a high-profile case last year in which a 45-year-old man repeatedly raped his daughter and fathered two children by her.

Police in Bangladesh say a search is under way for dozens of people after a river ferry sank. Details of casualties are sketchy but reports say two people are known to have died and about fifty are missing. The boat was carrying hundreds of passengers to the southern island of Bhola to celebrate the Eid Festival.

Two men have been executed in China after being convicted of stealing and trafficking young children, most of them boys. Every year thousands of children are snatched off the streets, or from bus and train stations and the authorities have been trying to clamp down on the illegal trade. The BBC Beijing correspondent says some parents try to buy boys because China’s One Child Policy means they can’t have sons of their own.

美国高尔夫球星老虎·伍兹在佛罗里达居住的别墅外遭遇车祸受伤,经过治疗后现已出院。Paul Adams报告。

佛罗里达高速公路巡逻称,当天凌晨,老虎·伍兹从门前的车道驶出时受伤。官方称,老虎·伍兹驾驶的凯迪拉克在离开奥兰多郊区温德米尔的别墅时先撞上消防栓,后来撞到一棵大树。此前的报道称老虎·伍兹身受重伤,但当地一家医院表示,伍兹只治疗了轻伤并且现已出院。伍兹的发言人Mark Steinberg告诉美国电视台CNBC他的委托人状况良好。高速公路巡警正在调查,但是表示并不涉嫌酒后驾车。

联合国核监测机构国际原子能机构(IAEA)投票公开谴责伊朗秘密进行铀浓缩。不同寻常的是,俄罗斯和中国均支持该决议。美国表示,国际社会对伊朗已经丧失了耐心。Jon Leyne报道。


伊拉克战争时期的英国驻联合国大使质疑2003年美国领导的入侵的公正性。在伦敦举行的公开调查听证的第四天,杰瑞米·格林斯托克(Jeremy Greenstock)表示,他觉得许多国家都认为伊拉克在大规模杀伤性武器方面没有说实话。但是他说,这并不意味着大家支持对萨达姆·侯赛因采取严厉措施,最后演变成军事行动。


杰瑞米·格林斯托克(Jeremy Greenstock)还表示,联合国武器监察员应该获得更多的时间来开展工作。但是到那时候,美国入侵的压力已经是不可抵抗的。


德国新任劳工部长Franz Josef Jung因对9月份阿富汗发生的空袭事件的处理而辞职。这次空袭造成大约30名平民死亡。Franz Josef Jung是当时的国防部长,而且多日坚称无平民伤亡。周四德国高级将军和国防部高级官员辞职后,压力逐渐增加。德国军队因召集美国对塔利班分子实施空袭而受到严重批评,因为有许多平民居住在附近。

波兰总统莱赫·卡钦斯基 (Lech Kaczynski) 签署法律,对一些性犯罪者实行强制性化学阉割。这种方法已在其他国家进行试验,但是通常是在自愿的基础上。华沙,Adam Eastern报道。


孟加拉警方称,目前正在对渡船沉没后的数十人进行搜救。伤亡细节不详,但是有报道称,目前已有两人死亡,50人失踪。该船只载有数百名乘客,前往南部巴尔古纳岛庆祝开斋节(Eid Festival)。

