
Chemical Oracle


If you're planning a trip to Greece in the future, you'll want to schedule a visit to the temple of Apollo at Delphi. This famous temple was the home to the Pythia, a specially chosen and trained woman who, according to legend, channeled the voice and wisdom of Apollo, the god of prophecy. Generals, politicians, and private citizens of the ancient world flocked to Delphi to question the Pythia and seek her divinely inspired advice.


Ancient scientists and philosophers attributed the oracle's power to vapors that bubbled up through a chasm and spring running through the oracle's chamber inside the temple. Inhaling these vapors, according to the ancients, induced a trance-like state that endowed the oracles with divine prophetic power. Around 1900, excavations at Delphi revealed no chasm or escaping gases, and so the ancient accounts were discredited.


Until recently, that is Geological surveys of the area have detected two faults, or cracks in the earth's crust, intersecting directly under the oracle's chamber. Samples from Delphic spring water and rock from the intersecting faults revealed traces of several chemicals including ethylene. Tests have shown that when administered in proper dosage, ethylene can result in a trance state. Those affected are conscious, able to sit upright, can answer questions, and afterwards experience amnesia. Some subjects react violently, screaming and throwing themselves about.


Such reactions to ethylene are consistent with ancient reports. Unlike their Greek predecessors, modern scientists leave Apollo out of the picture. But once again, science gives at least partial credence to something that was once considered only a myth.


附: Apollo :阿波罗,阿波罗(希腊文 Απολλων;拉丁文 Apollo )古希腊神话中最著名的神祇之一,希腊神话中十二主神之一,是主神宙斯与暗夜女神勒托所生之子,阿尔忒弥斯的孪生哥哥,全名为福玻斯·阿波罗(Phoebus Apollo),意思是“光明”或“光辉灿烂”。阿波罗神庙:世界文化遗产,以该庙的女祭司皮提亚宣示的神谕著称。阿波罗神庙是公元前6世纪暴君Lygdami所建立的,但由于工程太过浩大艰巨,一直至现在无法完成,最后连建造神庙的大理石都被改变用途去建城堡了。不过别忘了在座这居高临下的神庙留下一张美美的倩影,这里的风景是相当出名的。还有,根据传说中的故事,酒神就是在阿波罗神庙前发现被抛弃、来自克里特的米诺安公主阿莉阿德。
