英国新闻听力 多哥宣布退出非洲杯(在线收听

The government of Togo says it has recalled its football team from the African cup of nations in Angola following a gun attack on the squad’s buses on Friday. However the head of the football’s world governing body Sepp Blatter of FIFA,has said the tournament itself must still go ahead. From Angola Alax reports.

A spokesperson for the Togo government said it was necessary for the team to withdraw from the African nations’ cup because the players were in shock following Friday’s dramatic gun attack. The players had earlier indicated their wishes to go home following their horror experience on Friday. The team caption Manchester City Emmanuel Adebayor, went to see members of Togo’s rival team in Canbinda to explain their decision. It seems pressure were put on the players to change their minds. A high level delegation including senior Angola government official and the head of African football Issa Hayatou went to see them,but it appears the Togolese government has had the final say.

The television station in Pakistan has broadcasted a video said to show the suicide bomber who killed 8 people at American base in Afghanistan last week,including 7 CIA agents. Resports from Islamabad.

In the video the Jordanian who was dressed in camouflage gear says he left behind his family and his clinic to join the militants. Humam al-Balawi said he was offered millions of dollars to spy on them,by Jordanian and American intelligence services, instead he became a double agent plotting against them. Humam Balawi says he is seeking revenge for the death of the Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud,he was killed by a US drone last August.

Security officials in Pakistan say at least two people have been killed in an attack by US pilotless plane or drone in the north Waziristan tribe district. One report says missiles strike a house that was being used by militant as a training center near the town of Miran Shah.

The head of northern Ireland’s involved government Peter Robinson is under growing pressure to resign over allegations that he deliberately kept quiet about his wife’s controversial financial dealings. Senior members of mr Robinson’s party the DUP has said his position is unattainable. His wife Iris has already announced to intend to quit politics but as Simpson reports the party is demanding she resigned now.

Across northern Ireland senior DUP figures are consulting,they are talking informally to people in their contingency. About this week’s revelations concerning their party leaders’ family. It is clear that Iris Robinson has no political future in the DUP. the strength for MP annoying last week that she intend to stepping down on health grounds. Today it became clear that the party wants *off officers as soon as possible. But it is still unclear are the DUP views her husband peter Robison as leader.

A Bosnian migrant to united states arrested in connection with the alleged new york bomb plot has appeared in court to deny terrorism related charges, Adis Medunjanin who was arrested in Friday plead not guilty to receiving training from Al-Quade and to conspiracy to commit murder abroad. A second man,a US citizen of afghan origin has been charged with lying to investigators .

A small bomb exploded outside the Greek parliament in Athen no one was hurt but windows in the parliament building were blown out. Police were able to clear the area which had been crowded with people after receiving a telephone warning. The Greek authorities have blamed left wing militants who have carried out several bomb attacks since riot in 2008.

Unusually severe winter weather continuing to disrupted daily life in many parts of Europe. Air travel is especially badly affected. Here is James Rodgers.

Across Europe the weather has hit transport specially hard. More than 200 flights from Frankfurt airport in Germany have been cancelled. Thousands of home in the south of France have been left without electricity after heavy snow brought down power lines. Britain is experiencing its worst spell of winter weather for 30 years. An unexpectedly high demand has forced some local authorities to rush the rock so they used to keep roads free of ice. Supplies are running low,sports are suffered too. With all but two of Saturday’s matches in the English premier league postponed.

Cuban officials have admitted that more than half of the water pumped through the country’s supply network has been lost because of leaks and breaks in the pipes. In a rare admission of failure Cuban said that make shift repairs to the system had not been successful and in some cities water could be seen running through the streets. The communist party news paper Grandma quoted officials saying water supplies could be badly affected if repairs were not under taken.

周五,多哥足球队乘坐的大巴在非洲杯举办地安哥拉遭遇武装袭击。多哥政府已宣布召回足球队。而非洲足联主席Sepp Blatter表示,非洲杯比赛将继续进行。Alax在安哥拉报道。

多哥政府一名发言人表示,多哥足球队退出非洲杯比赛是必须的,因为球员在周五的突发武装袭击中受惊。此前,遭遇周五恐怖经历的球员就已经暗示他们回国的愿望。多哥和曼城前锋阿德巴约前往卡宾达探访对手球员,并解释他们的决定。多哥队球员似乎承受着某方面的压力,要求他们改变决定。包括安哥拉高级官员和非洲足球负责人Issa Hayatou在内的高级代表团前往探望他们,但是似乎多哥政府已经做出了最终决定。


在视频中,这名穿着伪装的约旦男子说,为了加入好战组织,他离开了自己的家庭和诊所。Humam al-Balawi说,他从美国和约旦情报部门获取数百万美元的报酬来为他们提供情报,结果他却成为双面间谍。Humam Balawi声称他要为巴基斯坦塔利班头目Baitullah Mehsud的死亡报仇。Baitullah Mehsud去年8月份被美国无人机击毙。

巴基斯坦安全官员称,美国无人机对北瓦齐里斯坦部落地区进行袭击,至少造成2人死亡。一份报道称,一枚导弹击中了Miran Shah镇附近好战分子用作训练基地的一所房屋。

北爱尔兰第一部长、民主统一党领袖彼得·罗宾逊(Peter Robinson)因涉嫌故意隐瞒妻子的财政丑闻,面临越来越大的压力要求其辞职。民主统一党一名高级成员表示,部长的境地非常艰难。罗宾逊的妻子Iris Robinson 已经宣布退出政坛。但是就像Simpson报道的,民主统一党要求她现在就辞职。

在整个北爱尔兰,民主统一党高级成员谈论都在正式与他们探讨该偶然事件,探讨本周披露的关于他们政党领袖的丑闻。很明显,Iris Robinson在该党派的政治生涯已经走到尽头。议会上周表示,她因健康问题决定辞职。今天,形势越来越明晰,该党派希望她能尽快下台。但是民主统一党是否仍将她的丈夫视为领袖还不清楚。

一名波斯尼亚前往美国的移民因涉嫌纽约爆炸阴谋而被捕。Adis Medunjanin于周五被捕,出庭时,他否认一切与恐怖主义相关的指控,否认曾接受基地组织培训并图谋自杀式自己。第二名男子,来自阿富汗的美国公民并控告向调查人员说谎。


反常的寒冬天气仍将继续扰乱欧洲许多地区人们的日常生活。空中运输受到的影响尤为严重。下面是James Rodgers的报道。


