英国新闻听力 考古学家发现埃及金字塔建造者不是奴隶(在线收听

The first match in the Africa Cup of Nations is under way after footballers and spectators held a period of silence as a mark of respect for the three Togo team members killed in an attack on their bus. The hosts Angola have been playing Mali in the opening game. As they were doing so, the Togolese national squad left Angola by plane. Our southern Africa correspondent, Karen Allen, reports.

Togo's presidential plane was sent to take the national squad home after their bus was ambushed on Friday by separatist militants. The incidents overshadowed what was meant to be a moment of glory for African football. Instead, Angola security arrangements have been cast into doubt. Despite the desire by the players to stay for the tournament as a mark of respect for those who died, Togo's prime minister, Gilbert Houngbo, insisted that it would be reckless to let them remain. The opening ceremony, finally under way, was marked by a minute's silence to honour the dead.

A member of the ruling family in Abu Dhabi has been cleared of charges that he tortured a former business associate. The charges came after a video emerged, appearing to show the incident. But a lawyer acting for Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan said his client was not responsible for the torture. Julia Wheeler reports from Dubai.

The incident concerned was filmed in 2004, and the tape showed one man viciously beating another with whips, electric cattle prods and a wooden plank with nails. The first man then poured salt in his victim's wounds and ran over him with a 4-wheel drive vehicle. The police apparently assisted in the attack. In court, Sheikh Issa's defence, led by one of Dubai's most prominent lawyers, stated that the Sheikh was under the influence of prescription drugs. That meant he was unaware of his actions and had no recollection of them.

A parliamentary committee in Iran has made a rare official criticism of the treatment of opposition detainees held after last year's disputed presidential poll. In a report, it said three detainees died at a notorious prison because of their treatment. Here is our Tehran correspondent Jon Leyne.

The Iranian parliamentary report is heavily critical of the way opposition detainees were sent to the Kahrizak detention center in Tehran, despite a lack of space and facilities there. The report says that 147 of them were kept in one room with poor food, excessive heat and poor ventilation. It says that three of them died because of the bad conditions and as a result of physical attacks. The parliamentary committee blames a former Tehran prosecutor, who had a reputation as a hardliner, for insisting the detainees be sent there despite being warned about the conditions.

Pope Benedict has called for respect for migrants, saying that they have rights and are equally loved by God. He was speaking after violent clashes between African farm workers and local residents in Calabria, southern Italy. Some 70 people were injured in the disturbances.

The party of the Social Democrat candidate in Croatia's presidential election has claimed victory on national television. Ivo Josipovic appears to be on course to be declared the winner. Most exit polls in this run-off vote show him taking a commanding lead of around 30 points over his opponent, the mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandic.

The Israeli armed forces say they have killed a senior field commander in Gaza belonging to the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad. They identified him as Awad Nasir. Palestinian medical workers said he was among three members of the Islamic Jihad killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza. Earlier, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had warned that there would be, what he called, a powerful response to rocket or mortar attacks launched from Gaza against Israel.

Republicans in the United States have demanded the resignation of the Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid over racial comments he made about President Obama. The head of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, said the remarks were inappropriate and reflected an attitude to race that was out of step with modern America. Mr. Obama has accepted an apology from Senator Reid, who'd been a key ally on health care reform.

Egyptian archaeologists say they have discovered tombs of workers who helped build the country's largest pyramid. As Keith Adams reports, the discovery sheds light on how they lived.

The tombs made from bricks of dried mud date back 4,500 years. According to Egypt's head of antiquities, Zahi Hawass, they revealed far from being slaves. Those who toiled on the Great Pyramid were free and enjoyed relatively good working conditions. He says their location, so close to the pyramid, which itself a tomb for their king, proves they weren’t of the slave class. And he says evidence found at the site shows that 10,000 or so labourers were given 21 cattle and 23 sheep every day.

足球队员和观众向在大巴上遭袭身亡的三名多哥队员默哀致敬后,非洲杯第一场比赛正在进行。在揭幕战中,东道主安哥拉队对战马里队。就在比赛进行的时候,多哥足球队乘飞机离开安哥拉。我们的南非记者Karen Allen报道。

周五,多哥国家足球队遭遇分裂主义好战分子伏击,多哥派遣总统专机将队员接回。原本这是非洲足球非常荣耀的一刻,却被该事件蒙上一层阴影,安哥拉的安全戒备状况也引发人们的怀疑。尽管多哥队员期望能够留下来参加比赛,表示对遇难者的尊敬,多哥总理吉尔贝·福松·洪博(Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo)坚称让队员继续逗留是鲁莽的举动。最终举行的开幕式上,人们默哀一分钟,向遇难者致敬。

阿布扎比统治家族一名成员澄清了关于他虐待前商业伙伴的控告。此前,一份视频资料似乎披露了虐待事件。但是Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al-Nahyan的代理律师表示,他的委托人对虐待事件没有任何责任。Julia Wheeler在迪拜报道。

该事件在2004年拍摄,资料显示,一名男子凶残地用鞭子,电棍和有钉子的木板殴打另外一名男子。后来,前者向受害者的伤口上撒盐,还用四驱车对其进行碾压。而且很明显,警方协助了这起袭击事件。在法庭上, 由迪拜最著名的律师组成的Sheikh Issa辩护团声称Sheikh是受到处方药的影响。这意味着他没有意识到自己的行为,记不起发生的一切事情。

伊朗一名议会委员公开批评去年有争议的总统选举过后政府对待反对派囚犯的方式,这是非常罕见的。一份报告成,三名被拘留者在一个臭名昭著的监狱被虐待致死。以下是我们的德黑兰记者Jon Leyne的报道。



克罗地亚总统选举社会民主党候选人已经在国家电视台宣布获得胜利。Ivo Josipovic似乎已经宣布成为获胜者。决定性竞选的出口处民意调查显示,Ivo Josipovic拥有绝对优势,比他的竞争对手萨格勒布市长Milan Bandic的支持率高出30个百分点。

以色列武装力量称,他们在加沙击毙了巴勒斯坦好战组织伊斯兰圣战组织的高级野战司令。他们认为被击毙者的是Awad Nasir。巴勒斯坦医疗工作者称,在以色列对加沙地带进行空袭时,三名伊斯兰圣战组织成员遇难,Awad Nasir就在其中。此前,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡曾警告称,他们一定会为加沙地带对以色列发起的迫击炮攻击作出回应。

美国共和党要求民主党参议院大多数领袖里德因对奥巴马总统所作的种族性评论而辞职。共和党全国委员会负责人Michael Steele表示,那些言论是不恰当的,反映出了在现代美国人中已经过时的宗族态度。奥巴马已经接受了参议员里德的道歉,因为他是医疗改革的关键盟友。

埃及考古工作者称,他们发掘出了修建埃及最大金字塔的工人的坟墓。该发现披露了这些工人的生活状况。Keith Adams报道。这些坟墓由泥砖制成,可以追溯到4,500年前。据埃及文物部门负责人Zahi Hawass表示,这一发现表明他们远远不是奴隶。那些辛苦建造大金字塔的工人是自由的,而且拥有良好的工作环境。他说,该位置靠近国王陵墓金字塔,证明他们不是奴隶阶层。他说,在该遗址发现的证据表明,10,000名工人每天可以获得21头牛,23只羊。
