福克斯新闻 民主党的法院填塞计划是对选民的蔑视(2)(在线收听

Packing the court means that to you will add more justices which will create a new majority, where it would be a chance for the next president Joe Biden in this case if he wins the election when he hopes to appoint a number of justices that would change results and change decisions, change the ruling and the whole composition the court. It's been tried before, I mean FDR tried it and his own party stood him down and rejected it. I mean to talk about court packing, it really is again, it's about contempt for voters. It's saying we don't like how you voted in 2016 and 2018 so what is put more justices on the court to basically undo the results of those elections. We don't like the fact that voters gave Donald Trump the chance to appoint three Supreme Court justices so we'll add three more or who knows what that number would be and as you say Martha, there's no end in sight once you start this we could have 30 justices on the Supreme Court. It'll never stop. And if you take away the filibuster? Well, if you do what Schumer wants to do in the Senate, which is to end the filibuster for all, everything, I mean across the board all the time. He wants to turn it into basically 51 votes, will be able - you will take away the rights of any senator to be heard, it will take away the way the right of the minority to be heard, you'll take away rights of debate and deliberation.


There's a lot of problems with the Senate. I will give you that. The Senate needs a lot of reform but turning it into a mini version of the House is a big mistake and doing that in order to ram through a court packing plan is something that is - it's effectively burning down the constitution because again Democrats don't like what voters have said. So before I leave this topic, I just want to play what Kamala Harris said on this. We're all gonna be at the vice presidential debate next week and we expect that we're gonna have here some more questions about this so watch this. Are you open to expanding the size of the Supreme Court? I am open to that discussion. Do you want to elaborate on that or leave it there? No, I just am open to it. OK. I'm absolutely open to it. He is focused as we all should be on the next 35 days and he is focused on one, the process by which we are even having the conversation about the United States Supreme Court.

