
Fish produces a toxic venom which causes profound pain followed by tissue death in its victims. But according to scientists at Sarpolar's Butertan institute. The nickname isn't all bad. The researches led by Monicol Lowpest Folelar said the fish's venom also contains chemical compounds with extremely powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Folelar says tests on laboratary mice have proven that compounds are ideal for treating the symptoms of asthma, a chronic, sometimes fatal disease of the lungs which can stricts the airways causing shortness of breath.

巴西蟾鱼的毒液可导致受害者组织坏死并伴有剧痛。但Sarpolar Butertan学院的科学家们来说,这种毒素并不只有坏处。Monicol Lowpest Folelar小组的实验结果显示,这种毒液中含有一种有强力消炎功效的成分。Folelar表示,实验室中的白鼠实验证实,这种成分可以有效治疗哮喘。哮喘是一种慢性肺部疾病,病发时气管收缩造成短时窒息,这种疾病可能致死。

Foleral and her colleagues are using the fish venom compounds in the new drug, she says it's superior to those currently available.


In the first place, I would say the new drug has the same or even a greater strength than existing asthma drugs. Secondly, it just not has any side effects.


In commonly prescribed steroid-based drugs those side effects often includes nausea, high blood pressure, and appetite lost, and patients can't use the drugs continuously. Forleter says that's not the case with the new treatment. The drug she has developped is a synthetic and mass producible version of the compounds found naturally in the fish. And while the institute has secured the patent. Foleral says the process of getting the new drug to the market has only just began.


We've completed the entire scientific process, the part which was the responsibility of the researchers. Now, a lot more investments will be necessary, large financial investments in order for the drug to be produced on a larger scale.


Foleral estimates the process will take about 3 years, eventually helping asthma sufferers, and the Nican fish reputation.


Romio Reatuers.

