美国有线新闻 CNN 美国新冠肺炎疫情持续恶化 确诊病例不断增加(在线收听

Like several nations in Europe we told you about earlier this week, many parts of the United States are seeing an increase in coronavirus cases.


It's not spreading evenly. As you can see on this map, the recorded number of new cases is increasing in 35 states. It's holding steady in states and dropping in three.


In the coming days, the nation of India is expected to surpass America in total COVID infections. The Asian country's cases are rising and its population is four times that of the U.S.


But at this point, America has seen more positive tests than any other country. It's recorded 7.9 million diagnoses since record-keeping began early this year. And more than 217,000 deaths have been blamed on the disease in America.


When you look at these numbers the death rate may appear higher than it really is. The reason being that as many as 40 percent of people who catch the virus have no symptoms and many of them may not get tested. There are also people who do have symptoms but think it's just a cold and don't get tested.


Based on statistics that came out this summer, more than 99% of people who catch coronavirus survive it though it is more deadly than the flu.


Some American businesses and communities have strict laws in place, limiting public gatherings and requiring masks. In others, people can be seen in crowded areas without masks, getting back to business as usual.


So the restrictions and the reactions to the disease are vastly different from place to place, but health officials say the threat of spreading the virus goes up as fall temperatures come down.

