《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集07:最佳好友(在线收听

Keep it up, Damon.The more energy you expend,The faster you'll go.

接着使劲 达蒙 你消耗的能量越多 死的就越快

And there's Vicki, all nonchalant in the bathroom,


Like it's no big deal that they're hooking up.


Yeah, I'm not gonna lie.

是啊 我说实话

Your brother and my sister, that's weird.

你弟弟和我妹妹在一起 感觉很奇怪

Yeah.How late is he?Hitting the hour mark.

是啊 他迟到多久了 快一个小时了

Hope there's nothing wrong.


Which means I'm not talking boy problems with you.Good.

我是说我不会跟你谈论男友问题的 很好

I mean, it's not like we were ever best friends or anything.


Ok.Here goes What do you think of Stefan?

好吧 那就说吧 你怎么看斯特凡这个人

Is he a good guy?Why? What's he done?Not any one thing.

他是个好男人吗 怎么这么问 他做了什么 没做什么

He's just so secretive all the time.


I think there's something that he doesn't want me to know,


Which makes me want to know all the more.


Like what? Like that he's a serial killer

什么意思 就像他是个连环杀人魔

And he keeps a clown suit in his trunk?


No, of course not.But what do we know about him, really?

不 当然不是 但是我们真正知道他些什么呢

He's great at football.A little bit of a loner.

他橄榄球打得很棒 有点孤僻

And as much as I hate saying it,He might be a nice guy.

还有我最不愿意承认的 他也许是很不错的男人
