《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集08:太疑神疑鬼了(在线收听

So you think I'm just being paranoid?


I think you should talk to him.


Talk to who?I'm so sorry that I'm late.

和谁好好谈谈 抱歉 我迟到了

What happened?I got held up.Is everything ok?

发生什么事了 我被耽搁了 一切都还好吗

There was this thing with my uncle.


And you couldn't call And tell me that you were going to be an hour late?

所以你连打个电话 告诉我你会迟到一个小时都不行吗

Ok. You two have fun.

好了 你们俩玩的开心点啊

I'm really sorry.It was unavoidable.What was unavoidable?

我真的很抱歉 是件无法避免的事 什么无法避免的事

Ok.Oh, uh, Elena, please...No, Stefan, don't you get it?

好吧 埃琳娜 求你 不 斯特凡 你不明白吗

Every question gets a vague non-answer.


What is so awful that you're afraid to tell me?


I know you.My god.I'm sorry? - I know you. How can it be?

我认识你 天呐 不好意思 -我认识你 怎么可能

I think you have the wrong person, sir.

我想你认错人了 先生

You haven't aged a day.


I'm sorry. Excuse Me.Hey, can-- can I take you home?

对不起 不好意思 我送你回家好吗

And we can talk about it? Is that ok?

然后我们可以聊聊 怎么样

Wait, what was that?I--I don't know. Uh, nothing.

等等 刚刚是什么状况 我...我不知道 没什么

Right, nothing. Ok, um... I gotta go, Stefan.Excuse me.

好吧 没什么 我要走了 斯特凡 借过
