《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集13:评头论足(在线收听

No friend discounts.No freebies.No pay ya laters.

不打友情折扣 不发赠品 不接受赊账

We are not running a charity here.


No, we are not.The event is called sexy suds, you know.

不 绝对不是 活动可是叫"性感"洗车节 你俩知道吧

Did we just get scolded?


And judged, yeah.I'm sorry,

也被评头论足了 没错 不好意思

But I guess you're going to have to take that off.


I think you have to go first.


Ok.Ok, um--sorry,So not sexy.I disagree.Uh-uh, no.

好吧 对不起 太不性感了 我可不同意 别

None of that tortured pining stuff.


I'm just observing.Tiki. This one's yours.

我只是看看 蒂琦 这辆归你洗

Why do I always get the homely oness?


Just to be clear, your car's a P.O.S.

我得说清楚 你的车是个垃圾货

I mean, we can wash it, but it's still a P.O.S.

我是说 我们可以洗 可它还是个垃圾货

You don't have to be rude.Rude is uglying up the road with that junk.

你不用这么不礼貌吧 把这种破烂开上路 破坏公路形象才不礼貌

Wet and wild, Tik.

湿漉漉的野性啊 蒂琦
