密歇根新闻广播 MSU使用隐私作为"剑和盾牌"(在线收听


Michigan State University seems to have used private statements between a student and a counselor in a press release to the public. David Jesse with the Detroit Free Press outlines the details in a story published yesterday.

Here's the timeline: On Monday, a former student filed a lawsuit in federal court. That suit claims that back in 2015 three Michigan State basketball players raped the student. It alleges that university personnel discouraged the student from reporting the incident to police. On Wednesday, MSU officials issued a statement denying the allegations, and then proceeded to reveal when the student visited the counseling center and included details about what counselors advised.

Frank LoMonte, a professor and director of the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information at the University of Florida, was quoted in the Detroit Free Press story. He joined Stateside to discuss the controversy around the statement, the university's potential violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and how this action fits in with the larger culture and leadership at Michigan State.
