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CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A nest of murder hornets in Washington State has been brought to justice. And that's where we start the week here on CNN 10. My name is Carl Azuz. I'm happy to see you.


The Asian Giant Hornets, also known as murder hornets because enough stings can kill a person, first appeared in Washington State last year. People don't know how they got there. These insects are not native to the U.S. They're also not welcome, insecta non-grata.


According to the Washington State Department of Agriculture, a small number of murder hornets can wipe out an entire hive of honey bees in a few hours.


Entomologists have been able to trap some of these insects, the largest hornets on Earth. And they use the ones they captured to find their nest.


First, they glued a tracking device to a murder hornet but it fell off. And the glue gummed up its wings. Then they tried to tie a tracker to a hornet with dental floss, but that didn't work either.


Finally, entomologists reportedly used glue and floss to keep a tracker in place and it worked. The hornet led them to a tree on private property in the town of Blaine. The owner said officials could remove the hornets and the tree if needed. And they used a type of vacuum to clear out the first known Asian Giant Hornet nest in the U.S. This doesn't mean the problem is solved as far as we know.


There are probably still some Asian Giant Hornets lurking around northern Washington State. Its Department of Agriculture says if people see one, they shouldn't try to trap or kill it themselves but instead report it to state officials who are now up 1 to 0 in their mission to eliminate the evasive species.

