
This is a true story of how friendships run deeper than blood.This is my story of the only three friends in my life that have truly mattered. Two of them were killers that never made it past the age of 30.The other is a non- practicing attorney, living within the pain of his past, too afraid to let it go, finding reassurance instead of confronting its horror. I was the only one that could speak for them, and for the children we were.
  这段往事说的是血浓于水的友情,我一生中的三名生死之交。其中两个是杀手,活不过30岁,另一个是不执业的律师,无法摆脱过去的痛苦、恐惧。把我们的经历细说从头,惟有我了。 平淡的语气娓娓道来,好似向我们讲述一段平凡的往事,哪知却满含如此的辛酸。
  Lorenzo: Michael was the most sexually experienced of us ,which means he had kissed a girl on more than two occasions.
  勒伦佐:迈克尔是我们当中最风流的一个,也就是说,他曾吻过女孩子。 有过甜蜜的过往,有过年轻的冲动,残酷的噩梦抹煞了所有的一切。
  The temperature topped out at ninety-eight degrees the day our lives were forever altered.
  改变我们一生的那天,气温98度,热得厉害。 人的一生总有几个难忘的日子,是什么让你对它分外的刻骨铭心?
  A number of the inmaters, as tough as they acted during the day, would often cry themselves to sleep at night. There were other cries, too. Diffrent from those full with fear and lonelyness. They were low and muffled, the sounds of pain and anguish. Those cries can change the course of a life. They are cries that once heard, can never be erased from the memory. On this one night those cries belonged to my friend John, when guard Ferguson
  枕而哭。哭泣有几种,有些听起来惶恐而有些童犯白天死充强硬,晚间拥寂寞,有些听起来低沉而哀痛——都是改变人生的哭泣,刻骨铭心的哭泣。今晚,哭声来自我的朋友约翰,费格逊入过他的房间。 有时,外表的强硬是为了掩饰内心的软弱,当独自品味孤独,伤痛会让你无言以对。
  Lorenzo: They Killed Rizo? Michael: They took turns beating him…Until there was nothing left they cared to beat.
  勒伦佐 :他们杀了里素?迈克尔 :他们轮流揍他,直至他体无完肤。 在这个黑暗、专制的地方,对平等、自由的追求只会将你推入生命的尽头。
  Father Bobby: What about the life that was taken, Shakes? What's that worth? Lorenzo: To me ? Nothing.
  勒伦佐 :他们杀了里素? 迈克尔 :他们轮流揍他,直至他体无完肤。 在这个黑暗、专制的地方,对平等、自由的追求只会将你推入生命的尽头。
  Father Bobby: What about the life that was taken, Shakes? What's that worth? Lorenzo: To me ? Nothing.
  波比神父:遇害者呢?难道他的命不值钱? 勒伦佐:对我来说,一文不值。 一个将自己推入地狱的人,他的生命还有何价值?
