《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第7集第19期:信奉的原则(在线收听

Are you ok?I...uh...I wanted to help her.

你还好吗 我 我本想帮她的

But, instead...uh...How's he doing?He's a mess.

结果却...他怎么样了 他现在一团糟

I don't want him going through this again.


He is just a kid.Elena, what can I do?

他只是个孩子 埃琳娜 我能做些什么

What can I do to help? I'll do anything..

我能怎么帮他 任何事都行

Can you make him forget?Elena....Stefan, please!

你能让他忘却吗 埃琳娜 斯特凡 拜托了

I don't know how he'll ever get past this?


I just want him to forget everything that happened.


If I did. There's no guarantee that it would work.

即使我做了 也不能保证会有用

because of who I am, because of how I live.

因为我的为人 以及我信奉的原则

I don't have the ability do it right. - I can do it.

我没有足够的能力做好 -我可以

If this is what you want.I'll do it.

如果你真想这样的话 我会去做
