《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第17期:生日派对(在线收听

Yep, I drank yours. Sorry.Thank you.

没错 我把你那杯给喝了 对不起 谢谢你

You weren't supposed to be listening.


I was feeling epic. Whatever.Keep this contained.

我感觉好伟大 说不清 别声张

That's not all.Did you see what did this?

还不止这个 你看见是什么干的吗

Tell me everything you saw.You came.

告诉我你看见了什么 你还是来了

I couldn't miss your hundredth and whatever birthday.


I slim-- I'm slipped.I slipped.Hammered, huh?

我...我滑了 我滑了一下 喝醉了吧

Well... a very nice but not handsome bartender


Was very kind to me tonight.


Unlike the rest of the global humanverse.


Are those curly fries?Coffee for the drunk girl.

那是炸薯圈吗 给这位醉小姐来杯咖啡

Bad night, huh?Baddest.Am I shallow?

今晚不顺心吗 糟透了 我肤浅吗

Heh. Is that a trick question?

嘿 这问题有诈吗

I don't mean to be.I--I wanna be deep.

我也不想肤浅 我也想有内涵

I wanna be, like, the abyss deep.

我想变得 像深渊那般深沉莫测
