《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第19期:肾上腺素飙升(在线收听

Lady, I checked everyone's I.D.

女士 我检查了所有的身份证

Yeah, apparently you didn't.


Pretty handy with that stake, Damon.

木棒插得又准又稳 达蒙

It just, uh--reflex.I guess the adrenaline kicked in.

那只是条件反射 我猜是肾上腺素飙升吧

This nightmare is finally over.


Yeah. Caught a lucky break with that witness.

是呀 幸好找到了目击者

Without her, you wouldn't have been able to I.D. the vampire.

要不是她 你根本无法辨认出吸血鬼

Very lucky.Well, thank you again.

很幸运 再次说声谢谢

You're welcome.You gonna be ok?No.

不客气 你还好吗 不好

Do you ever feel like there's not a person in the world that loves you?

你有没有觉得 世上没有一个人是爱你的

Life can be a little rough.I just wish.

生活艰辛嘛 我只希望.

What?Wish that life was.Different.Yeah. Me, too.

希望什么 希望生活.有所不同 我也是
