欧美文化博览 超级城市纽约 (10)(在线收听

It's a city within the city. You have to look over 50,000 people. You'll be so alive when you're down here. What you would see mostly is when you came out for lunch on a beautiful day, when everyone is coming out of the buildings and then of course, you'll sometimes look up and see these majestic mountains just staring down actively.


Then came 9/11. You know, we can just describe it like a death in the family. A collapse of the World Trade Center south tower obliterated the PATH Station. The station is the lowest point on the trade center site. All the water from fighting the fires poured in. Broken water mains flooded the PATH tunnel all the way to New Jersey. Workers built a temperate plug to sea of the tunnel. It took 40 days to pump all the water out. A crucial link to the subway system was destroyed. Now began the hard work, rebuilding. And I'm president defeat of transient engineering. Workers got it one and a half kilometers of tunnels.

