Business Channel 2007-09-29&09-30, 通用汽车罢工事件和解(在线收听

We are pleased to announce that at 3:05 AM this morning, we reached a tentative agreement with the General Motors Corporation, pending ratification by our membership.

We are recessing the strike effective at 4:00 AM this morning. And we will, ur... be prepared to go into ratification meetings hopefully by the end of this week. Lot of hard work has went into it, and we successfully resolved a lot of difficult issues. This bargaining committee gave it their all under the leadership of Vice President Carl Rapson and his staff. We feel very good about this tentative agreement. I am pleased to say that Vice President Carl Rapson and his staff as well as international negotiators did an outstanding job in that area, and we are very very pleased with the outcome.


pending: While in the process of; during
