澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 前英国驻美国大使爆料 特朗普退出伊核协议只是为了让奥巴马生气(在线收听

Hello, Selina Edman with the top stories on ABC News.


The federal government has announced it will spend $600,000,000 on boosting pensions for older Australians, under long-awaited changes to deeming rates. The government says the changes will mean couples will be more than $1000 a year better off, while singles will benefit by up to $800. Labor says the changes don't go far enough.


Asylum seeker advocates are calling for an independent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of a man at a Melbourne detention centre. The 23-year-old Afghan national died in the early hours of Saturday morning with his death not being treated as suspicious. The ABC understands he had been in Australia for six years after first arriving as an unaccompanied minor.


Police say the disappearance of a man in Marysville, north-east of Melbourne, is out of character as concerns grow for his welfare. 21-year-old Indian national Poshik Sharma had a disagreement with friends on Thursday and was last seen leaving the Duck Inn. Conditions have been very cold and wet for the search.


A leaked memo from the UK's former ambassador to the United States says US president Donald Trump abandoned the Iran nuclear deal to spite former president Barack Obama.


And those are the latest stories from ABC News.

