新闻周刊:普卢默:成名于《音乐之声》 在演艺道路上永不停歇(2)(在线收听

It seems no coincidence that Plummer often plays charismatic, quick-witted, larger-than-life (and devilishly handsome) characters:


This is simply the energy he radiates.


When he comes out of his house to greet me, he looks unfailingly dapper in gray slacks and a plaid blazer.


The actor has lived here with his third wife, the British actress Elaine Taylor, since the early 1980s.


(He has a daughter, the actress Amanda Plummer, from his first marriage to the late Tammy Grimes.)


In his 2008 memoir, he says he moved to Connecticut when Hollywood became too lush, too tiresome:


"Everything in life there seems to use the same plastic surgeon."


Plummer's character in Boundaries is based on writer-director Shana Feste's own father, a drug-dealing cardsharp.


"He had a real taste for breaking the law," Feste says.

“他很喜欢违法,” 费斯特说道。

"My college was paid for in envelopes of cash."


When a casting director suggested Plummer for the part, she thought, No way:


"Christopher is a master of Shakespeare and so refined, and my father was, you know, in and out of prison and covered in tattoos and smoked weed all my life."


But Plummer was intrigued by the screenplay—


"I thought, I’d love to play this dreadful old man who never can find a bed to lie down on"—


and brings an irresistibly naughty elegance to the part.


"Some of the most talented actors in the world you can look away from on screen," says Feste,


"and you can’t look away from Christopher—even when he's doing absolutely nothing."


Plummer found inspiration in his own debauched past,


back when he was a 1950s Broadway actor with a taste for booze and women.


"There used to be a rule," he tells me,


"that you weren’t a man till you could go through a matinee of Hamlet pissed and hungover. Which we did!"


At the time, the Toronto-born actor was a master of the classics—


Henry V, Hamlet, Cyrano de Bergerac, Macbeth—


and his bar buddy was Jason Robards.


"I understand you were a bit of a drinker," I say in polite understatement.


"Everybody was in the early'50s," Plummer retorts.

“每个人都曾经历过50年代早期,” 普卢默反驳道。

"Don't shake your gory locks at me!


That whole group—God, they were never without a vodka. It was great fun."

