NBC晚间新闻 美国食品和药物管理局通过新型治疗癌症药物(在线收听

One-year-old Rihanna Plaza might be one of the tiniest pioneers in the world of cancer treatment. The connecticut girl was born with a rare type of tumor on the outside of her arm. My whole world fell apart. I was like, oh my god, like why did it have to be my daughter? Chemotherapy didn't work and doctors said they would have to amputate. Then they tried an experimental drug. Within three days, something amazing happened. The tumor started to shrink. The mass went down drastically and we're like, wow this stuff is something else.

This week the FDA approved that drug. The first to treat at least 12 types of cancer that all have the same specific tumor mutation, including breast, lung and colon. It works regardless of where the cancer came from as long as it has this specific mutation. A small number of tumors have this mutation, less than 1%. But those that have been successfully treated with the drug have seen astounding results, including Derek Laurie. Treated for a rare stage for cancer that spread throughout his body. Within a week of taking the drug. The tumors, these black dots started to disappear. For patients that have this mutation it is a revolution. We got a scan just last month and everything is clear. It's exciting to us, you know. A drug opening up a new frontier. The doctors believe could help many more patients in the future. So Lester, genetic testing of tumors is not routine, so if your loved one has a cancer that's not responding to treatment, you should ask your doctor about getting a test to see if this therapy might work for you. It's pretty, pretty attention-getting. It's very amazing. All right, doctor thanks.

现年一岁大的蕾哈娜·普拉扎(Rihanna Plaza)可能是癌症治疗领域年龄最小的先行者之一。这个康涅狄格州女孩出生时胳膊外面长了一种罕见的肿瘤。我的整个世界都崩塌了。天啊,长肿瘤的为什么是我的女儿呢?医生说化疗对小女孩不起作用,他们将不得不采取截肢疗法。然后,他们让小女孩尝试了一种实验性药物。用药后三天内,神奇的事情发生了。肿瘤开始缩小。肿瘤急剧缩小,我们感觉这个药物太神奇了。本周,美国食品及药物管理局批准了这种药物的使用。在第一批治疗的包括乳腺癌、肺癌和结肠癌在内的至少12种癌症中,肿瘤基因都含有一种相同的特异性突变,不管患者起初是在哪个部位发生的癌变,只要肿瘤有这种特异性突变,它都是有效的。只有百分之一的肿瘤有这种突变。但是成功经过这个药物治疗的患者效果都很好。德里克·劳里就是其中之一,他现在处于一个罕见的癌症阶段,癌细胞已扩散至全身。他用药后一周内,这些代表肿瘤的黑点就开始消失。对包含有这种肿瘤突变的患者来说,这种新药的诞生具有革命性意义。就在上个月,我们带女儿做了扫描化验,结果很好。你知道吗,我们太激动了。这个新药开启了癌症治疗新纪元,医生认为它会在未来会帮助到更多的患者。所以莱斯特先生,现在肿瘤的基因检测并不是一个常规项目,所以如果你身边有癌症患者,而现在治疗没有效果的话,你可以咨询医生让患者做一个肿瘤基因检测,以判断这种新药是否可以帮助患者。这种新药太引人瞩目了。太不可思议了。好的,谢谢你医生。
